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This is my very random blog about very random things in my life, enjoy the randomness....

Friday 13 January 2012

Surf 4 Survival

On January the 28th, myself and 29 others will be attempting a record for the longest continuous wave ever ridden on the Flowrider, in aid of First Aid Africa.

The machine its self is based in Heworth Leisure centre in the North East of England and was funded by the council. there are only a few other machines in the country and although they might be a bit bigger, some company's charge up to £50 per person per hour! which is just a little bit insane, when Heworth leisure centre only charges £5! proper bargain
My first attempt at Flowriding was with my boyfriend on our 3rd or 4th date! at the time I remember thinking oh my god! hes going to see me with no make up on! (now he just has to deal with my minging no make up face every day) so off I went a little bit nervous to what to expect and to what my boyfriend would think of my face!! all I remember is wanting to be able to stand up on the board for more than 3 seconds without falling flat on my face and making a complete tit of myself!!! Other people that were on the machine at the same time were ex Skateboarders and mastered it almost straight away, a lot of people I have met have compared it to skateboarding.
There is something very addictive about the sport and even tho I felt like had whip lash the next morning, I was dieing to go back and have another go. A year down the line and I'm not exactly an expert but I can ride the wave quite well, so when my good friend Sam mentioned he was holding an event for his Charity, First Aid Africa (which he set up himself) #propaledge I couldn't wait to get involved!

First Aid Africa believes that first aid can significantly improve someone's chances of survival following a life-threatening injury or illness. First Aid Africa believe that access to the simple yet life-saving knowledge of first aid should be available to everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion or social status.
Their mission is to equip as many people as possible with the knowledge, skills and equipment to respond in an emergency, and ultimately, save or improve a patient's quality of life.
you can find out more about First Aid Africa via this link http://firstaidafrica.com/faa/ also if you would like to sponsor me for this event please visit this website


Wish me luck for the 28th


Jurassic Park

The main reason behind my fascination with dinosaurs all started back in 1993 thanks to Mr Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, I first seen this film at the cinema, I worked out I was only 6 years old... Crazy!!I asked my mum why she took me to see it, her reply was apparently I begged her?!?
The film at the time was only a PG (now PG13) so I suppose she wasn't to know for the next good few years of my life I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking velociraptors were in my kitchen! I still get scared that one day someone (John Hammond) may bring them back to life with mosquito's and frogs DNA!

It fascinates me that millions of years ago these creatures roamed the earth! strange how us little human beings came along next after a great big T Rex, makes me wonder what would be next if we all got wiped out, giant desert moles maybes? Now that would be scary!

anyway the reason i decided to blog about dinosaurs is because every now and again I google Jurassic park 4, and EVENTUALLY!! Spielberg has officially announced that the film was in development, and planned on it being released in the next 2 - 3 years, I read that One of the ideas featured a group of soldiers that were genetically crossed humans and dinosaurs..............what a load of wank! I then read on and apparently this idea was scrapped, thank fook for that!!
I couldnt find much else on the story line other than it will be taking a whole new direction.
Could this mean a whole new cast?? either way my inner geek is rather excited about this.

Thursday 12 January 2012


Illamasque is by far my favourite make up brand, Once upon a time I used to be a Mac girl - "Once you go Mac you never go back" WRONG!.... as soon as i tried Illamasque that was me 'turned'
The foundation, powder,lipstick,glitters, EVERYTHING is amazing! Every time I need? or more like want! something new, i book myself an appointment for a transformation, I'm normally really fussy with my make up but Urszula and Larna who I normally book with always do more than a perfect job! and then for the price of the transformation i get to redeem £30's worth of products!!!

One Halloween i decided to dress up as a peacock.... not very scary I know! I bought a whole batch of feathers and made myself a tail, then took a few feathers to the make up counter and asked Urszula to transform me into a peacock! here was the result....

The Autumn Winter collection is 'Theatre of the Nameless'

Descend into the riotous scene of erotic adventure that is the Theatre of the Nameless collection.
In this nocturnal den of the dissident leaders of underworld subcultures, exotic dancers rub shoulders with actors and anarchists.
Infused with the essence of self-expression that transformed 1920s Berlin, this rich and indulgent collection envelops the senses.
Darkly sophisticated tones are accompanied by shocks of dazzling iridescence and kinky rubber-look finishes, creating a breathtakingly modern interpretation of the most illicit nightlife in history.It's time to cross the threshold and embrace a world of unadulterated decadence

Not only does Illamasque have amazing products that give you that airbrush look, they are that little something different, id advise everyone to book yourself in for a transformation.




1st blog

Well it took me about half an hour to decide what to name my blog, I don't really know what I'm going to blog about so i thought Shizzles and Stoof would more or less cover most things i may care to blog about :)
